Creating your first Givee store

Creating your first store with Givee is easy.

Our wizard will bring a new store to life in a just a few simple steps. You'll be asked for basic information about the client store you're creating — company name, store name, the option to upload a logo  — and lastly to provide your distributor details. The last step will both create the store and your distributor account with Givee.

Don't worry, store details can be changed once you're in the platform. We invite new users to create an account to explore and experience the Givee platform first-hand.

Click 'Get Started' below to view our step-by-step guide for creating your first Givee store.

More about stores in your Givee account: 

  • There’s no limit to the number of stores you can create
  • New stores are created within your existing account - the setup uses the same wizard as your first store just without capturing your distributor information
  • Any specific products selected or logos uploaded are unique to each store
  • Stores can be created for any occasion
  • Givee supports time-bound, pop-up gifting stores


Designing a store

Add logos, custom store messages and upload artwork.

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Looking for more help?

Submit our form to reach the Givee support team or schedule a one-on-one session with an expert and let us help you build your store.